Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poem: Divine Digestion

While reading Johannes Scotus Erigena,
I was eating a peach.

"...and eternal he begins to be,
and immobile he moves into all things
and becomes all things in all things."

God has become this peach I am eating.
God is sweet, and I am licking Him.
I am ingesting the divine
and am making it into me.
I am becoming divine.

"...the creator of all things created in all things,
and the maker of all things made in all things;..."

I perceive the creator and
the created in this peach I am eating.
I lick the peach to catch the juice;
I run my tongue up the canal
carved by my chin-wetting bites.
I hold the nectar on my tongue tip
feeling the twinge of the sweet acidity.
I lounge, intoxicated by the infinite.

"...through a certain ineffable descent
into the things that are,..."

Our sight falls upon only material.
The cloak of God is woven peach fuzz.
I strip God to the seed.
I hold the world
between my teeth;
a stone.

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