Thursday, September 26, 2024

Poem: Tonight

I sat outside in the dark. I watched a light green moth land inside the  backdoor to the garage attracted to the light inside. 

I decided to go inside for the evening and help the moth outside, not wanting to trap it inside for a certain death as there was nothing in the garage to sustain it. 

I turned on the outside light knowing that would attract the little green moth, and keep it outside until I could close the backdoor.  

As I freed it to the outside light, I noticed the frog sitting on the light fixture. The moth flew by it once, and the frog missed it as it flung out its tongue. But the second time it flapped near, the frog caught the moth and pulled it part of the way in. 

In that moment they both looked directly at me. One conveyed betrayal and the other gratitude. 

Watching the results of my innocent intention,

I felt irrevocably culpable for every unintentional harm I had ever caused. 

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